skyrim mod team

Hi guys im thinking of getting a mod team together to build a skyrim mod. I just need 4 or 5 members who will each get a side. it will be based on giving skyrim hunger and will be will have a second mod based on elswyr.. anyone want to join me just either email me or comment on this post…

Ok… Ok…

Okay… you got me. I was serious about posting more often but then I realized that i don’t have a lot going on and I can hardly find time to post.By the way I am now selling custom figures on ebay here is the link Im selling them from £1.95 to 2.75 + P+P (£1 +20p per figure) also im giving away a free custom gun with the first one and any orders over £5.25. I do not ship to america.

Sorry about the lack of posts

I have been moving rooms recently will get back to normal schedule this week As I have recorded videos



Sorry guys I missed a post yesterday my cousin was here and he lives quite far away. also i was tired out of my mind.

Youtube schedule will start next week as normal but there will be no monday video on the 5th of sept as I will be going back to school 😦 and school is hell for the first two days.

Working on a scratch game

I am working on a massive scratch project and am thinking of coding a short free to play 2d game!(or maybe a payed one hehe)(I’ve made it on scratch but will properly code it in c++ or something like that later:

the armed one is called rezzu, the orange robed one is called ignis rezzu (rezzu in fire robes) and the brown and green one is called (goblin) there are other forms of rezzu and the game will be called rezzu’s adventures

first ever sunday post

Hi guys this is my first sunday post for my new schedule its how star wars would have ended if i was a youngling (This is a repost of a tweet)oIvLG9y.pngI have also started uploading videos my video schedule will be battlefront 2 on mondays, lotr conquest on fridays and another video (lego animation, Minecraft animation, skyrim mod showcase, minecraft mod showcase or any other gameplay video.) here is my youtube channel link. please subscribe to show support. also follow me on twitter to get photos like this every day and other funny things i find and do

bye guys see you tommorrow

Im back!

hi guys i’m back!!!! so ive been trying to get back into blogging, gaming and that lubbly jubbly shtuff!!! I now have twitter so follow me there! I am more active on youtube and am trying to produce at least content three times a week. on twitter I will tweet daily and on here I will also try to post three times a week unless something happens which i will keep you posted on! my schedule (which i will change often) is post on monday, friday and sunday!! Please like and follow this blog to show your support!!! thx

Two Sleeps to christmas

it is only TWO sleeps to Christmas… I will be posting an mc skin on here my skin ENJOY and merry Christmas!!!!

Batch Files Are FUN!!!!

Hi. I often find myself searching for simple batch file commands so today I will show you how ( do not include apostrophes): for me the simplest command is echo. echo will make it say something ie ‘echo this is how echo works’ will change it to ‘this is how echo works’ another simple command is ‘msg’ this will send a message to the computer screen ie ‘msg just sending a message’ will change it to something that looks like this C:/Users/yourname/documents just sending a message unfortunately the batch file will close as soon as it opens so we use a command PAUSE now it gets a bit harder: you can shutdown a computer using this (this is fun if you are at school and you shortcut this to say keys Ctrl-S): ‘SHUTDOWN /s /t 60 /c “hahahahahaha!!”‘ this will shut down your computer in 60 seconds and it will show a message saying ‘”hahahahahaha!!”‘ Here is a fun script:

@echo off

echo your computer will shut off in 60 seconds


echo it will be funny


echo your work will be lost


SHUTDOWN /s /t 5 /c “bye!!”


Back From A Break

With the return of kaalus I thought id come back too. I am animating and hoping to let a new one out before christmas. I have now started Minecraft Pocket Edition and 3D animation. Personal skins will come out for android and IOS users of MCPE. Skyrim mods are here too so are you ready?
